Online Donation
Peter P. Monaco Jr. Detachement 40, as a private nonprofit organization, relies on the support of individual contributors like you. Every tax-deductible dollar you give helps us to provide veterans and their families with the support and services they need. We pride ourselves on being able to lend a hand to these Veterans and their families in severe times of need. We appreciate your generous support of our mission and our organization.
Please make checks payable to “Peter P. Monaco Jr. Detachment 40” or abbreviate to PPMJ and as a safety precaution, write “For deposit only” on the back of your check before mailing.
If you are making a donation “in the memory of,” please write the name on the memo of your check and forward us the address of the family of the deceased, and we will send them an acknowledgement of your donation.
Or, you may use PayPal to make a secure donation to our organization just by filling out the form to the right.